Why asset data integration is so Important

In today’s very busy word of IT Operations, many fundamental things don’t get done because there are never enough resources or time to do them.  Maintaining asset and inventories are often pushed off to allow the technical staff to focus on production needs.  Audits often don’t happen and companies end up paying for it in […]

RFID, Barcode and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Asset Management Solutions

Flexibility in using Barcode, RFID and Blue-Tooth Low Energy (BLE) all in one tool In todays ever evolving world of technology we have more options available to leverage for managing our assets.   Many continue to use bar codes, while others are upgrading to RFID or BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).   These technologies are all effective to use for specific […]

Asset Vue Announces Inventory Release 2.13

The team at Asset Vue is pleased to announce our February product update: two weeks ago, we pushed live Asset Vue Inventory Release 2.13, which includes user interface improvements to reduce manual tasks and streamline your asset management process, as well as providing our customers increased control over user permissions. Our goal every day is […]

Ghost Servers Cost Money

Over the past several years, we have had many approaches to try to achieve savings on utility consumption such as controlling HVAC distribution and settings, containment solutions, blanking plates and more. These are all good practices to follow and are helping to cut costs, but did you know that “ghost” servers could account for up […]

How to tell if you need an RFID, BLE, or Barcode asset tracking system

There are more ways to tag, track, and manage inventory now than ever before, which is a good thing. That makes the job of an asset or resource manager, however, more complicated. What do all these acronyms mean? How can I tell which system is the best fit for my needs? What if my needs […]

Who can benefit from asset tracking systems?

real time asset location tracking

Any organization can benefit from asset tracking technology in some capacity. Every organization has valuable equipment or assets that move around – whether it is within a building, across a campus, or shipped to other locations. And every organization has corporate resources that organizations would like to maximize the use of meeting spaces, for example, […]

Usability improvements and more updates from the Asset Vue Inventory Release 2.14

The team at Asset Vue is excited to announce some major new features are currently live as part of the 2.14 Asset Vue Inventory product update. Our teams have been hard at work on groundbreaking new functionality, which is now currently available to all Asset Vue Inventory customers. Take a look at what’s included in […]

Asset Lifecycle Management Beyond IT

Our clients in the data center world are very familiar with asset lifecycle management, but the fact is any purchasing department in any organization can benefit from having a better understanding of where in its lifecycle an asset they rely on for work to get done. What kind of assets are we talking about? Computers, […]

Expanding the definition of IT: Asset Management for Modern CIOs

Asset management, in our experience, typically falls to CIOs and their IT departments, since IT assets are some of the most important that a company relies on to get work done. However, the physical square footage of an office building is one of the most expensive assets a company has to work with. Leveraging asset […]